Ellison Dental Consulting Welcomes You
Get help from someone who has been where you are
I am, first and foremost, a dentist. I've been through the same situations you are in now. Are you having high employee turnover? Do you suspect an employee is embezzling from you? Not sure what to do to keep your practice in compliance? Let me help you uncover the hidden pitfalls in your practice and develop the best plan to keep your business thriving.
About Me
Hi. I'm Dr. Lexi Me Her-Ellison. I began my career as a general dentist upon graduating from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry in 2009. Since then, I've worked in DSOs and community clinics before becoming a private practice owner in 2014. In my first year as an owner dentist, I had the unfortunate experience of having a trusted employee embezzle from the practice. That experience really opened my eyes to how unprepared most dentists are for practice ownership. I decided to go back to school and learn the the business of dentistry, applying concepts from management, accounting, organizational behavior, leadership, and entrepreneurship to the specific needs of the dental community.  I have since sold my practice and now focus entirely on helping dentists navigate the business side of dentistry. Let me help you learn from my mistakes.
Consulting Services
From a Dentist For Dentists
Preventing Employee Dishonesty
A Comprehensive Approach
66% of all Dentists will experience employee embezzlement, fraud, theft, or a lawsuit in their career. Are you prepared?
First-Time Dental Practice Ownership
Expert Guidance
How to set up your practice for success. What they didn't tell you in dental school. Get mentorship opportunities to start your career off on the right foot.
Leadership and Practice Efficiency
Lead and Motivate Your Employees
What type of leadership do you practice? Do you know how to best motivate your staff to do their best work? What methods can you employ to help your practice work smarter, not harder. Be a leader, not just a boss.
Continuing Education
Quick Concepts and Advice
I offer lectures and am available for speaking engagements tailored to your audience's specific needs. Register for one of my classes today!
Contact Me
Fresno, CA