My Services
Through the lens of a dentist
We are not accountants, fraud investigators, or IT professionals. Dentists need real-world solutions to set up, maintain, and run prosperous practices. Let me help you with designing a plan unique to your needs. I also have scheduled lectures both online and in person for those of you who prefer to get a general overview of specific concepts.
Preventing Employee Dishonesty
Expert Guidance
66% of all Dentists will experience employee embezzlement, fraud, theft, or a lawsuit in their career. Are you prepared?
First-Time Dental Practice Ownership
The Path to Success
How to set up your practice for success. What they didn't tell you in dental school.
Leadership and Practice Efficiency
Lead and Motivate Your Employees. Learn the best ways to create a productive practice with minimal wasted effort and cost.
What type of leadership do you practice? Do you know how to best motivate your staff to do their best work? What methods can you employ to help your practice work smarter, not harder. Be a leader, not just a boss.
Continuing Education
Quick Concepts and Advice
I offer lectures and am available for speaking engagements tailored to your audience's specific needs. Register for one of my classes today! *CA Dental Board Approved CE Provider